Lobotomized Own Selector

tags: css

* + *

Yeah, it sounds like something out of Harry Potter spin-off, but it’s a real thing. You might think I’m using the fancy name as a click bait (and you might be partially right), but I also do believe it’s helpful. Heydon Pickering first mentioned it ten years ago, but somehow it’s still handy. I guess they liked the name, that’s why margin-trim takes ages to finalize.

yes, but why?

The owly magic shines when you have plenty of elements and you want to style most of them. Let’s imagine you’ve got a menu and you’d like to have spacing around those buttons:

nav ul li {
  margin-left: 1rem;

The first one would also have a margin. There are plenty of ways to fix that, right?

nav ul li:not(:first-child) {}
nav ul li:not(:first-of-type) {}
nav ul li + li {} /* or even li ~ li */

Now imagine nested items, like paragraphs with images! Even worse - sometimes you’d need to know the type of element, or always play with :first-child and :last-child.

/* okay that might not sound revolutionary */
nav ul * + * {}

 * but how about this:
 * make all text elements have spacing between them
 * they might be headings, paragraphs, images, etc.
.prose * + * {
  padding-bottom: 1rem;

It can get wild quickly:

.module p:last-child,
.module ul:last-child,
.module ol:last-child,
.module dl:last-child {
  /* losing battle */
  margin: 0;